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The 2023 hot spots

Meet our experts and find out more about heat pumps at this year’s Toolbox Talks

Plumbing and heating professionals will be joining us at this year’s Toolbox Talks to add their voice to our technical discussion around air source heat pumps (ASHPs).

Members of the Scotland and Northern Ireland Plumbing Employers’ Federation (SNIPEF) have been invited to attend our annual roadshows as special guests to provide an insight into the hot topic of renewables technology.

A technical update on electrical energy storage systems (EESS) will also be on the agenda at our ever-popular events, which kick off in just a few weeks’ time.

And SELECT Members who attend this year’s roadshows will also receive our new certificate of continuing personal development (CPD), launched to help firms and individual operatives keep track of how they are developing their skills.

Bob Cairney, Director of Technical Services, said: “We’re looking forward to welcoming representatives from SNIPEF to this year’s Toolbox Talks to help everyone gain a better understanding of how our two disciplines will work together on ASHPs.

“Electricians and plumbers will both play an important role in the installation of such technology, so it makes sense to bring both trades together, listen to the requirements and challenges on both sides and build a greater understanding of what is required from each.

“The role of the electrical contractor in installing ASHPs is a subject that is becoming increasingly topical, and with SNIPEF’s contribution, we’re keen to explain to Members how the landscape could look in the coming years.”

Our invaluable FREE update sessions will once again be touring 12 venues across Scotland in May and June, kicking off at Murrayfield in Edinburgh on 2 May.

As always, our experts will be on hand to discuss the burning issues via two presentations:

Presentation 1: Electrical requirements for ASHPs, outlining how contractors can get involved and what to consider when installing the technology.

Presentation 2: The technical implications of EESS in domestic and commercial environments.

Members will have the chance to ask questions and discuss topical matters face-to-face with our Technical Advisers, with other SELECT staff on hand to answer other queries.

Bob added: “After the success of last year’s events, this will be another good opportunity to meet with Members in person and explore the technology that is becoming increasingly significant in our industry.”

Representatives from the Scottish Joint Industry Board (SJIB) and Scottish Electrical Charitable Training Trust (SECTT) will be attending selected shows, along with the team behind our SELECTcerts service.

Our popular Beat the Buzzer game will also be back for 2023, raising money for the Electrical Industries Charity (EIC), plus there will be more prize draws and an interactive quiz.

Toolbox talks map

Exhibitors from a range of leading manufacturers and service providers, including Associate Members Aico, Electrium, Luceco, Megger, Scolmore and TIS will also be in attendance.

Events kick off at 9.30am with coffee and rolls, with lunch provided at the end of each session and goodie bags that will include the day’s presentations.

And of course, Toolbox Talks are free to attend for all SELECT Members. So check the map for this year’s dates and venues and sign up NOW – it’s already getting busy!


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