Where to turn for support
The Electrical Industries Charity (EIC) is offering financial relief and mental health support to any contractors who have concerns about the impact of coronavirus.

The charity is adapting its support service to help industry members through the pandemic, with a range of practical support services.
Financial assistance on offer from the EIC includes:
Small grants for those in immediate and urgent need
Advice about financial relief and support services
Immediate strategies, e.g. mortgage holidays
Signposting to other welfare services and charities
Review of welfare eligibility and help with application
Food vouchers if in immediate and urgent need.
In addition, the charity is offering a range of mental health support, including:
Support strategies to help cope with self-isolation
Telephone and Skype counselling
Psychiatric assessments
Links to other support and online services.
Tessa Ogle, CEO and MD of the EIC, said: “We know that the effect of COVID-19 on industry and income will be great and that we’ll all be affected. So, in these times of darkness and insecurity we want to let our industry members we’re here to help them.
“Like most of the industry, the EIC will be financially burdened by the ramifications of COVID-19, but we are doing our best to provide both financial and emotional support to those in need.”
To find out more, contact the confidential EIC helpline on 0800 652 1618 or email support@electricalcharity.org