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Training Scotland's Industry, Delivering For Government
A fundamental requirement of any trade association is to add value for its Members and the trade it represents. Nowhere is this more important than for skills, where businesses rely on their trade association having everything in place to ensure the training and development of their people meets ever-changing market demands. SELECT’s mission statement is ‘To be recognised as delivering the exceptional support which enables our Members to prosper’ and the trade association and its sector undoubtedly excel in supporting the training and development needs of the electrical industry in Scotland.
SELECT Members contribute directly by working hard within their communities and with local colleges to promote their industry as providing rewarding and exciting careers, ably supported by guidance material distributed by our charitable training agent, the Scottish Electrical Charitable Training Trust (SECTT). Working in partnership, SECTT and the Scottish Joint Industry Board (SJIB) deliver the industry’s modern apprenticeship programme which attracts new talent in ever growing numbers. Both organisations, with the support of NET and SELECT, have recently completed a comprehensive review and update of the final integrated competence assessment (FICA), a key component of the SVQ in electrical installation jointly awarded by SJIB and the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).
SELECT also plays a pivotal role in workforce development and helping businesses met the new skills needs of its people. Our range of tailored training programmes is developed in response to Members’ wishes and covers not only technical subjects but a wide range of other safety critical areas. Many of the programmes are accredited externally


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